Emergent Resilience

While you’re here, take a moment to visit some of our friends who are also doing wonderful work responding to the most challenging human aspects of this time of change and transition.


8Shields’ intention is to re-awaken the attributes of connection, and in turn, help heal the widespread disconnection with nature and loss of connective cultures worldwide.

Center For Council

Our work enables individuals to cultivate tools for improved communication, find common ground with others and create healthy, compassionate and thriving communities. 

Council on the Uncertain Human Future

In the Council, we acknowledge and stay with what we come to see, allowing vision and action to emerge from that place of reckoning with this unprecedented reality. In a gradual collective way, new solidarity, momentum, creative insights and collaborations become possible.

Good Grief Network

The Good Grief Network builds personal resilience while strengthening community ties to help combat despair, inaction, eco-anxiety, and other heavy emotions in the face of daunting systemic predicaments.

School of Lost Borders

The School of Lost Borders offers vision fasts and rites of passage training which cultivate self-trust, responsibility, and understanding about one’s unique place within society and the natural world.

Talk Climate

A for everyone (young people, caregivers, and professionals) who wants to learn how to have productive, courageous, and empowering conversations about climate change.

Temenos Rising

Temenos Rising offers meaningful adventures in the natural world that integrate Earth Connection, Outdoor Adventure, and Contemplative Practice. The foundation is a deep Earth connection where we recognize the beauty, suffering, joy, and grief of the human experience.

Wild Belonging

Wild Belonging offers wilderness guiding, mentorship, community tending, reclamation practice, and council trainings.