Climate Wisdom Labᵀᴹ:

For Advocates

Emergent Resilience workshops are intended to build resilience for a climate changing world and to empower sustainable engagement with the major challenges of our time.

Working in environmental fields during this time of rapid ecological change gives us a unique perspective into the current state of our planet. The resulting burdens, when combined with the stresses of everyday life, can make it difficult to remain engaged and present, which is vital to being effective in our work. Building on our shared understanding of the state of the environment and our common experience working on behalf of the natural world, the Climate Wisdom Lab for advocates is designed specifically for those already engaged in environmental and systems change work, including scientists, experts, advocates, attorneys, and changemakers.

Typically offered as a series of five 2-hour workshops, the programs:

  • enable in-depth understanding of the challenges and opportunities faced by those in frontline environmental and systems change occupations,

  • provide space for acknowledging and processing the difficult affective aspects of the converging crises of our time,

  • teach practical tools and techniques for promoting resilience that can support sustainable engagement with our essential work, and

  • create a unique forum for professionals to find connection and build community with others also engagement in the hard work of systems change.


Client Spotlight

Environment and Climate Change Canada

Massachusetts Attorney General - Energy and Environment Bureau

Yolo County Public Defenders Office